Denver Natural Stone Porcelain Tile Flooring Benefits

June 19, 2019

Whether you’re involved in the construction process or remodeling a kitchen, bathroom, or any other area of the home, finding the perfect flooring is important. One of the main attractions in every room of the house, flooring surfaces need to serve a variety of purposes in order to ensure homeowners are receiving the best benefits from the material selected. Depending on the room in question, these characteristics can vary significantly.

For example, some prefer to have carpet in their bedrooms but another material in other areas of the home. Picking the perfect floor can take time and all factors should be considered but there are options now available for everyone. Porcelain has been around for many years and more recently has built up momentum for use due to a variety of different characteristics. The following shows exactly why this surface may be your best bet.

Design Options

Porcelain floors come in a variety of different colors and can even be manufactured to appear as another material. By imitating these other flooring surface types, homeowners get the long list of benefits from porcelain with the look they desire.

Stain Resistant

A rising option for both kitchens and bathrooms, porcelain floors are incredibly stain resistant. Able to withstand any long-term effects of spills and messes, these floors can benefit homeowners when installed in these high traffic areas or any other area of the home.

Wear Resistant

Not only are porcelain floors able to maintain their color and shine after a spill but they maintain this look well into the future. An extremely durable material, porcelain tiles won’t show use in the same way as hardwoods or carpet will. 

Water Resistant

Similar to how porcelain floors can withstand spills, these surfaces are also extremely water resistant. One of the best possible options for areas that may be subject to an abundance of water use - the bathroom and kitchen, these flooring types offer many benefits over other options. Adding a gloss to porcelain tile can provide an extra layer of protection against any ill side effects associated with water exposure.

If you’re at a place where flooring options in your own home or as part of a new construction need to be determined, then don’t forget that porcelain can be a literal solid choice. Our specially trained experts can assist in helping you select the best design and all appropriate materials. Natural Stone Sales has been serving the greater-Denver area for 15 years with a wide variety of differing available options for view in our showroom to help you get a better understanding of what any tile will look like by itself or in combination with your current bathroom or kitchen design.Come look and feel for yourself the wide variety of tile options available to choose from and determine with will fit exactly as desired. Our highly trained staff has been providing quality service and helping customers, completing installations, and even providing maintenance tips for many, many years. Contact us today at 303-777-7485 or visit the showroom and take a look for yourself.
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