Denver Natural Stone Fireplace Options

Summer is currently upon us but it’s never too soon to begin thinking about planning for those fast approaching winter months. Even though you may currently be enjoying the weather poolside or outdoors, fall and winter are coming up quick with both providing ample opportunities to make use of a fireplace. If your existing residence already has a unit, then understanding the importance and any details surrounding this piece can be helpful in ensuring you’re not only reaping the rewards of having an alternative heat source but creating a look to fit within any design style preferences.

The versatility associated with stone fireplaces offers plenty to allow any homeowner an opportunity for finding exactly what they desire. The mix and match options are also a possibility, extending the likelihood a homeowner will find precisely what they are looking for prior to beginning any major remodeling project. Fortunately, any upgrade involving the fireplace surround is likely to not only increase property value but provide a living space suitable for everyone to enjoy.


Making its rise to popularity in the kitchen, granite is also a popular choice for a fireplace. Able to withstand heat while offering a plethora of design styles - colors, textures, veining, piece sizes, etc. - the capabilities are seemingly endless. Forget about having to settle and take your fireplace to the next level with a granite surround.

Stack Stone Ledgers

Stack stone ledgers are another fireplace option that can really transform the look of your existing space. In fact, if you currently have brick or another material, these stack stone ledgers can provide ample opportunity to not only incorporate the look of natural elements inside your home, but also create a centerpiece or focal point for the space.


In similar fashion, marble also has many of the same characteristics associated with granite and can also provide a unique fireplace surround. The availability of marble options can provide an exquisite look for the interior of your home and a nice upgrade to many other conventional construction materials used around the fireplace.


Slate is another quality natural stone option for a fireplace. Extremely durable and heat resistant, there are slate options available to meet the needs of any individual. In addition, slate is energy efficient and can easily fit into both modern and more classical design styles.

If ready to upgrade your home’s fireplace, then we’re here and ready to help move your remodeling project forward. Our specially trained experts can assist in helping you select the best design and all appropriate materials. Natural Stone Sales has been serving the greater-Denver area for 15 years with a wide variety of differing available options for view in our showroom to help you get a better understanding of what any tile will look like by itself or in combination with your current bathroom or kitchen design.Come look and feel for yourself the wide variety of tile options available to choose from and determine with will fit exactly as desired. Our highly trained staff has been providing quality service and helping customers, completing installations, and even providing maintenance tips for many, many years. Contact us today at 303-777-7485 or visit the showroom and take a look for yourself.
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