Denver Stone Backsplash Options and Advantages

February 13, 2019

Looking for a minor improvement that can totally enhance the appearance of your kitchen? Need to make an upgrade but don’t have the funds available for a complete overhaul? Hoping to refresh the look of a room used daily and potentially increase your property value?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions or are in a position to upgrade your kitchen, then look no further than the backsplash. A walled section of the kitchen often given little afterthought, the backsplash design chosen can assist in refreshing the look of your home, in addition to upgrading and making a significant change to an already boring backdrop.

There are a number of advantages and styles of backsplash to be implemented and each of the following has their own specific benefits. No matter what you decide, this relatively minor enhancement can make a lasting impression on your kitchen and inside your home.

Travertine Tile

While travertine flooring has pros and cons, there are advantages to having a backsplash composed of the same material. Depending on the type of flooring installed in your kitchen, a travertine tile may serve to enhance the surface colors or create an entirely different feel all on its own. The travertine tile also typically incorporates a distinct array of rectangular shapes and colors which vary opposed to other tile types available.

Mosaic Tile

A decorative option, mosaic tile, creates a look entirely different from anything else a homeowner may select. When implementing the mosaic tile, the design possibilities are seemingly endless for anyone re-designing their kitchen. Mosaic tile backsplash ideas extend from circles, to squares, repeated patterns, or special designs - and each is used to create a unique backdrop in the kitchen.

Subway Tile

If you’re looking for a clean look with a professional appearance, then subway tile may be the choice for you. These tiles differ from the previously mentioned options in that they are typically all of the same size, shape, and color. The uniform appearance appeals to some homeowners and creates a classic look inside the kitchen. Coupled with a darker countertop and colored or stainless appliances, the subway tile backsplash is becoming a popular option in modern day kitchens across America.


Regardless of which style you select, the implementation of a tile backsplash helps to create a designer look and significantly enhance the appeal of your kitchen. Minimal maintenance, a professional look, and ease of replacement make choosing a tile backsplash an advantageous option for your kitchen. Enhancing the look and appeal of your home, the natural stone options available can do wonders for your home.

If you’ve recently determined that your kitchen could use a significant change, then allow us the pleasure to assist and aid with any and all necessary decisions. Natural Stone Sales has been serving the greater-Denver area for 15 years with a wide variety of differing available options for view in our showroom to help you get a better understanding of what any tile will look like by itself or in combination with your current kitchen design.Come look and feel for yourself the wide variety of tile options available to choose from and determine with will fit exactly as desired. Our highly trained staff has been providing quality service and helping customers, completing installations, and even providing maintenance tips for many, many years. Contact us today at 303-777-7485 or visit the showroom and take a look for yourself.
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