Denver Limestone Upgrades for Your Outdoor Space

June 26, 2019

Summer is here and that means everyone is emerging from the cold and bitter winter to engage in outdoor activities. Not only does this include enjoying parks and many other recreational activities but also the entertainment spaces available in our own backyards. If you’re interested in upgrading these spaces or building something new to enjoy this summer then consider using limestone to make an impact.

Not only can limestone be used as a patio flooring surface but the benefits and flexibility of the stone allow for it to be implemented in a number of other areas as well. Instead of just providing an area for outdoor gathering and eating, up the ante this summer and add something that can be used all year long - in addition to changing the floor. 

Fire Pit

A limestone fire pit can provide year round use, a fun gathering spot, and even some cooking benefits. These also help to knock off any chill in the air throughout the fall and winter months, plus an enjoyable evening to a summer night. The fire typically keeps bugs away and families can make more use of their space and home when it can be used at any time of the year. 


If you’re going to add a fire pit then you’ll need seating as well. Limestone can be used for a variety of construction projects, including being shaped into benches or individual seats. There are many advantages to limestone, including the ability to create an elegant look and feel to your area through its implementation.

Outdoor Kitchen

Another useful tool that can enhance your outdoor space and be provided through the use of limestone is building an outdoor kitchen. By blocking in a grill or outdoor cooktop and providing a solid countertop space to boot, the opportunities for engaging and using this newly created space are seemingly endless. If the space is covered, this new addition can be used during most weather scenarios, including for a majority of the year. Get out of the house and begin to explore the areas around your own home or entertain friends and neighbors by implementing the use of limestone and making something new today.

If you’re ready to consider any of the above suggestions or have other outdoor enhancement project ideas for natural stone surfaces then we’re ready to help. Our specially trained experts can assist in helping you select the best design and all appropriate materials. Natural Stone Sales has been serving the greater-Denver area for 15 years with a wide variety of differing available options for view in our showroom to help you get a better understanding of what any tile will look like by itself or in combination with your current bathroom or kitchen design.Come look and feel for yourself the wide variety of tile options available to choose from and determine with will fit exactly as desired. Our highly trained staff has been providing quality service and helping customers, completing installations, and even providing maintenance tips for many, many years. Contact us today at 303-777-7485 or visit the showroom and take a look for yourself.
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