Denver Wood-Look Tile Flooring Design Decisions

December 18, 2019

Whether you are installing new floors or completing a remodel, there are a variety of different surface options from which to choose. For many, the timeless look of hardwood floors is often sought after but with open floor plan continuity and the potential for exposure to water in the kitchen, these concerns can create hesitation when it comes time for a decision. Fortunately, there is an alternative that offers a similar look and is even more durable than natural wood.

Among the many benefits of wood look porcelain tile is its versatility. Able to be installed in any area of the home to create a seamless transition through different spaces in an open floor plan, these tiles can also benefit homeowners in basements, bathrooms, and even the bedroom. However, due to their unique versatility, there are a few decisions homeowners face when electing to utilize wood look tile as a flooring surface solution. 

Hardwoods are limited by their finish and shine options but wood look tiles can be found in almost any color imaginable. Whether you are looking to match a certain wall color or hoping to create a distinct or abstract look, there is something available for everyone. From natural coloring to grey, black, white, or even red - wood look tiles fulfil the full range of colors for whatever your heart desires.

Once you’ve determined an appropriate color, choosing the size of the “wooden” planks is the next step in the process. From thin to broad, the floor can be laid out to achieve the look any homeowner desires. 

Depending on the size of the planks you have selected, grain exposure will come into focus. Typically not as prevalent on thinner options, broad planks can be detailed to show wooden grain swirls and patterns to give your flooring that natural touch.

Another decision that must be made has to do with which direction the wood will flow throughout a space. While there is no true correct direction for laying hardwood floors, the most popular choice is to run wood away from the main entrance. Doing so helps to create a flow to the home, making it appear less busy and not sectioned into different pieces. 

If you’re ready for an upgrade to a wood-look tile flooring surface around your home or wish to create an entirely new design for any other area on property, then we’re here and ready to help your dreams come true. Our specially trained experts can assist in helping you select the best design and all appropriate materials. Natural Stone Sales has been serving the greater-Denver area for 15 years with a wide variety of differing available options for view in our showroom to help you get a better understanding of what any tile will look like by itself or in combination with your current bathroom or kitchen design.Come look and feel for yourself the wide variety of tile options available to choose from and determine with will fit exactly as desired. Our highly trained staff has been providing quality service and helping customers, completing installations, and even providing maintenance tips for many, many years. Contact us today at 303-777-7485 or visit the showroom and take a look for yourself.

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