How to Clean Your Limestone Floors

Installing any natural stone floor can add beauty to your home and increase its value. But limestone tile is one of the most beautiful and versatile options on the market. The stone is durable and can brighten up even darker spaces like bathrooms, laundry rooms, entryways and more. But like all types of natural stone flooring, limestone has a few unique cleaning requirements that you’ll want to follow if you want to keep your floors looking like new. Keep these steps in mind as you clean your home.

Sweep Regularly
Unlike carpet, limestone flooring won’t hold onto dirt, pollen, and other contaminants. But you will have to sweep regularly to keep the grime from building up, but as long as you stay on top of sweeping, you’ll keep your floors clean.

For best results, sweep every two or three days with a soft nylon-bristled broom or use a microfiber push broom to trap the dirt. If you notice areas of your home that get dirtier, you may want to sweep more often. 

Vacuum at Least Once a Week
Sweeping gets a lot of the debris, but vacuuming your floors weekly is a great way to keep them as clean as possible for as long as possible. You’ll want to make sure your vacuum has a hard flooring setting or use a dedicated hard floor attachment for best results.

Just use caution and be mindful of the attachments you’re using. If your vacuum head has bristles and you forget to turn the rotation of those bristles off, you could end up scratching your floors. This may lead to an increased risk of stains and further damage.

Mop With a Soft Microfiber Cloth or Mop
Mopping your floors every week or after large spills is a great way to ensure that the beauty of your natural limestone floor shines through at all times. But before you whip out your mop, make sure it’s safe for your floors. You’ll want to either mop with a soft microfiber cloth and a small amount of water or a microfiber mop that lets you wring out the strands until they’re just damp.

In most cases, mopping with water is all you’ll need to do. But you’ll want to use water in moderation since too much water can seep into any areas where the sealant is weak or damaged. And once it does, it can lead to discoloration and staining. 

Use the Right Cleaner
If your floors are extremely dirty, using a detergent can help power through the residue. But you’ll need to make sure any cleaner you use is safe for use on limestone. Avoid acidic cleaners as they can damage the stone and lead to premature pitting, dents, scratches, and discoloration. If you’re not sure which cleaner is appropriate, ask your natural stone expert for advice.

Limestone Flooring Is a Durable and Beautiful Choice
Limestone floors are beautiful and easy to clean as long as you keep these tips in mind. If you notice any damage as you’re cleaning, don’t ignore it. Reach out to Natural Stone Sales to learn more about your replacement options so you can keep your floors looking great for years to come. 
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